Towards Feolquoy (Day 2250)

My day started with an early morning call out to sort a leak. I got the call yesterday, and said I would get to it today. As I was awake at stupid o'clock, and the job was in an unoccupied building, I headed along at 7am. All sorted by 830, and along to Tesco to do the weekly shop.
Back home, after unpacking and putting stuff away,
my beautiful wife and I zoomed across to Stromness and got out a ride on George and Jeeps. A good, quick ride, with a brief stop along the way to drop off the key to the building I was at this morning.
Back home, HV headed out again to meet up with someone trialling a saddle, and I took Sigyn out to Lyde.
Later, when HV went off to work, I returned to the garage to finish sorting the brakes on the Bandit. My bit of tinkering seems to have improved the brakes a great deal.

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