
By Bob20


Another busy day! I don't seem to have any free time and I was told to slow down! Tomorrow I will be blipping from France as I am going over to our home there with my gardeners to sort out the place following Winter.

This blip is Sarah, our daughter. She came home yesterday as she had an interview at the Dental Hospital in Sheffield for an oral surgery & maxillofacial post.

Apparently there were 400 or so applicants and she wasn't expecting to succeed. However, lady fortune smiled on her and last night she received a call to offer her the post which she accepted. She starts there in August and I am very envious as I would have enjoyed doing the surgery myself. It seems strange having our daughter working at the hospital where I trained and worked.

Thank you for your lovely comments last week. Always very much appreciated. I will try and blip some sunshine this coming week!!!!

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