
By NinjaShoe

My Dad

Determined, diplomatic, optimistic and competitive. Always strong and all my life, decisive, calm, supportive and loving.

Not emotionally expressive though, which used to drive my Mum crazy. In a female dominated family - when the extra bottle of wine was opened, the chat, the laughing and the tears started after Sunday lunch, he made his excuses and went to watch the sport on TV.

The first time I saw my Dad cry was aged 22 when I left England on a plane to Australia to travel the world. I was amazed and shocked by this and the memory is still powerful.

But I can't imagine how more emotionally challenged Dad could possibly be than now, it seems to me that Mum is rapidly getting worse . Recently, as a diabetic, her sugar levels have been a particular area of concern. In the presence of witnesses today we signed "Powers of Attorney" forms - a very sobering experience.

Like a swan, on the surface he appears calm, and in control, but I know that there is a lot of paddling, and emotional turmoil that is going on underneath.

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