A Day In The Life

By Irish59


“Though she be but little she is fierce” - some of you may recognize this quote by Helena describing her friend, Hermia, in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This Hermia is no damsel in distress, she is a proud skimming bluet damselfly resting comfortably on a yellow squash leaf. Thanks to MrsP for noticing her, and thanks to osuzanna for hosting Tiny Tuesday :) • We picked our first zucchini/courgette today with two more likely ready tomorrow. Yesterday our first pickling cucumber was harvested, and we’ve already enjoyed 6-8 radishes, several bell peppers and one spicy banana pepper. Everything in the veggie garden is doing well so far • Our flowers are another matter. A deer (could it be Blipzen?) and two woodchucks are wreaking havoc on both annuals and perennials. Cosmos, violas, sunflowers, marigolds, blazing stars, echinacea, black-eyed susans, lupine, asters, tall phlox - buds and leaves gone, only stalks remain • Two distressed damsels here!!

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