I had lunch at Pyymäen Oma and visited Tampere Art Museum, there are two interesting exhibitions: Joel Slotte: The Young Artist of the Year and Matti Kalkamo: Kalkamo RAW. In the picture is a view to Kalkamo's exhibition. As an extra photo there is a detail of Slotte's painting.

Joel Slotte describes his painting process like this: The entire canvas base should be painted with the same piety and sensitivity. As I paint, I consider every square inch to be equally important; they may contain condensed information about the dryness or sharpness of the blades of grass, for example, or how much tattoo on the skin has stretched or faded or how sore a bloated pimple on the nose might feel. I enjoy the slowness of painting and want to spend as many hours on it as I like. Long-term work with an individual painting gives the original design or concept room to change and sprawl into new initiatives. Working slowly creates temporal layers in paintings that add their own historical and narrative sediment.

These exhibitions I want to see again, I think I'll take hubby, Emma or Leevi with me next time!

My parents visited shortly in the afternoon and in the evening I drove to Tampere again, this time with Emma, she wanted to do some shopping.

+28,4°C, cloudy

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