Lee Bay

Walked just under 8 miles and explored a bit more of Lee Bay. Enjoyed looking at the rock pools and managed to very slowly (due to footwear choice) climb around some very tall rocks to make it into a cove with grey shaley sand. There were 4 people already there playing games. I still have no idea how they carried their camping chairs to the beach. I got a bit flighty as I thought the tide was starting to come in a bit so we didn’t stay long.

Walked up a very steep hill on the way back. It went on forever but felt very lush and atmospheric as there were loads of giant ferns and rhododendrons. It’s been good to explore new paths and routes. The weather was pretty sunny for most of the day after the morning had a grey and Misty start. Think the weather turns again tomorrow so made sure to make the most of the day.

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