Las Vegas to ...

… San Marcos, CA.

We were up and out on the road early this morning as it’s a long drive to where my mom lives in Southern California.  We only made two stops along the way before reaching my mom’s house at just after 1:00 pm.  On the route to moms is a town called Baker, CA that boasts having the largest thermometer in the world.  That’s what you are seeing in my blip!  We pulled off the road just long enough to snap a few pictures before moving on!

And, boy oh boy, was it good to see her!  And the “mom hugs” were so welcome!  It’s been two years since we have seen each other and that was for only one night … just like this visit.  We sat and caught up on all that’s been going on lately … it was wonderful.  My sister and BIL arrived shortly after we got there ... followed by my niece who lives close by.  My niece brought her two cats and it was nice meeting them both. Although one of them was a little freaked out and spent most of the afternoon/evening under the couch. 

We had take-out for dinner that was delicious … made even more so by the fact that no one had to cook!  After dinner my niece called her boyfriend (whom we haven’t met yet) and we had a lovely video call.  It’s the first time we have ‘seen’ Bryant.  I think they are talking marriage at some point so we will eventually meet in person … I hope!

Even though it was a long drive for such a short visit it was worth it. It really was a fantastic day spent in the company of my family.  I just hope it’s not two more years before we all get together again. 

Back to Las Vegas tomorrow …

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