Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Rocky Mountain Bee Plant

Complete with bee!  

I'm posting this just before I pack up my laptop and put it in the camper.  That and my cameras are always the last things to go in.  We'll be leaving early in the morning and my next blip will be from Lake Granby.  I think I'll be posting a day behind while we're gone so I will backblip on Monday.  It works out better for me that way so I'm not on the computer in the evenings.

Many thanks for the outpouring of stars and hearts for my 2500th Blipday yesterday.  I really appreciate all of them and I'll try to visit everyone with personal thanks...but it could take a few days. xx

I am grateful that it was much easier to get ready for our trip than last time.  Now I'm looking forward to an uneventful trip tomorrow and a good campsite available when we arrive. :-))

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