Scottish Owl Centre

Our recce on Saturday paid off  and we took the Flumlet to see the Owl Centre in Polkemmet Country Park on a glorious summer day. This large owl hides a climbing frame and chute to keep young ones amused as there are so many owls to see. It is based on a real barn owl named Dylan, the first to be trained by the owner and was the star attraction in flying displays, demonstrations and the like. He is actually buried beneath the play area.

We saw many many different owls, from large to tiny, from all parts of the world and of very varying plumage, some appear in the collage as extra 1. The eagle eyed will notice that one is not an owl but a kookaburra and I wish I could say why it is in the collection but this was explained during the flying demonstration, while a young child was crying loudly behind us, frightened by the whoosh of an eagle owl that had flown so close to us that we felt the draught. So, all sympathy to him but we missed a lot of information.

There were three birds in the flying demonstration, which took about 45 minutes, after which we found a table in the café for lunch - disappointed that the promised gluten-free fish fingers were not actually available but wraps were an acceptable substitute, accompanied by a large bowl of chips, so we were all well-fed by the friendly staff. We dragged the Flumlet round the rest of the owl cages before allowing him the rest of the visit at the playpark via the shop to buy him a toy barn owl -that's extra 2 - and a new one for me, for the line-up, perhaps it will feature on blip some day..
The main play park is under renovation with lots of exciting new equipment being installed, just as soon as the requisite cement has been obtained - apparently there is a countrywide shortage of cement as it is all owned by French companies! But there is still plenty for all ages of children.

He then requested we come home to play, making a line of animals up the stairs again and included some of the water species in the bath, complete with water. After a few cartoons to relax he was taken home for a late tea and to prepare for three days of summer school dancing.

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