Abstract Thursday. : : Lines

The Covid virus spread through a homeless shelter this week with at least 59 Covid cases confirmed yesterday and 28 of those people had been  given the Johnson and Johnson one dose vaccine.  26 more are under investigation.  County officials have said they need more time to confirm that this is the more contagious Delta variant. All this leads me to believe that we are not going to eradicate covid because there are too many people who believe that it is their God-given right not to get vaccinated (and by definition their God-given right to infect those around them.)

So I believe we are all going to have to learn to live with Covid.

I'm publishing this rather late because my 'Italian' niece came to visit this afternoon. She is my brother's daughter and not Italian at all, but she is married to an Italian man and lives in Italy. We haven't seen her for several years, but it was a delight to spend some time with her before taking her to the airport for her flight to Los Angeles. They have a condo in Del Mar where they spend most summers. Their daughter arrives  there tomorrow, so we may just have to get ourselves down there to see Davide and Emma, not to mention my brother's new digs in downtown San Diego.

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