This little presence with its papery angel wings and ermine collar turned up on the wall behind my computer shortly after midnight and watched over me until I went to bed. Of course I had no idea of its name but have since discovered it is a swallow-tailed moth. I was delighted to learn that it comes from the Geometridae family. It knew where home was. Look how symmetrically it has placed itself on the wallpaper.

Many thanks for the very interesting votes on yesterday's question: 12 for exposed wood and seven for painty. If I am to invite you all to my housewarming I will have to fix the shelf just below eye-level and put filled glasses onto it so that when you take one you can see the pattern. Then underneath the shelf I must put some seating so that you can gaze up and admire the other side. 

I finished sanding the wood-grain side today then oiled it and must say it's an unusually beautiful piece of close-grained pine, Scots pine I guess - very much nicer than the disappointing wood of the chest I exposed a week ago.

Edit: grabbed in low light with my phone. For a clearer image - by Dreich, who knows moths much better than I do - coincidentally also posted today, see here.

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