Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

For All Spidey Lovers

How would you like to open your front door and see a tarantula?

I’ve watched this thing for three days hanging around my front door. It was always hugging a wall or hiding in the corner. I was glad it was still there this morning so I could try to get some pictures. First try was with my Canon but I couldn’t get a decent angle. So I used my phone. It was finally gone when I got home later. (The ball shape is its butt. The front is where those two almost parallel legs are. Eyes, dunno)

As long as they’re not in my house I’m okay with tarantulas. Maybe because they don’t really look like spiders to me and I hate spiders. My bug guy told me that the males live a short life but the females can live for decades so if it was a female I shouldn’t feel guilty about killing it. I was never going to do that. Now, a brown recluse, that would be a whole different thing.

I’ve had a really bad week.The highlight was looking through all of the mono Monday entries. I’m going to take the next couple of days to relax and clear my head. Also going to try to think of something groovy for Monday. That might make my brain explode. Ha!

Nice and cool today. Opened up the doors and windows when it wasn’t raining. A nice breeze wafted through. Was hoping to leave them open overnight but it might rain.

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