Steall the show

My dream took an unusual tone by recent standards in that I was calmly going about my business, and not stressing about possessions, baggage and locations. I felt a sense of contentment when I woke up that I haven’t felt for a long time. Being on holiday for a week is clearly healthy.

Michelle and I have planned to spend a couple of nights apart whilst I go to Fort William and she goes to the Knoydart Peninsula. Before our respective trains and boats we ate croissants and plums on a wooden bench with an owl carving, overlooking Mallaig harbour. Mallaig has two distinct sides: the tranquil owl bench vibe, and the bleak, litter-strewn port area that feels like it’s about to be taken over hostilely by seabirds.

I caught the wonderful train route to Fort William, steeling myself for a walk up Ben Nevis tomorrow. As it was only around midday when I arrived I decided to make use of the time and explore more of Glen Nevis. An excellent walking website described the route to Steall Falls as ‘one of the best short walks in Scotland’, and this was too tempting to miss.

I’m keeping the Shiel bus company afloat recently and I caught their shuttle service to as far as it goes down Glen Nevis, close to the Lower Falls on the Water of Nevis. It was a fragrant and warm walk up the valley to the Steall Falls, the second highest waterfall in the UK. For a while I sat gazing at it in the dry sand of the riverbed, until spots of rain turned into drizzle, which turned into splodges and then sheets. I descended back to the valley and sat on a stump, until the day’s last bus ferried me back to Fort William.

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