Sunny day in North Norfolk

A lovely summers day today, and we have made the most of it, by carefully planning a very unstrenuous day!

Beginning with a circular walk to Felbrigg and back with Henry, taking in a coffee break at Felbrigg cafe. Back home hung out washing, had another coffee and decided which beach to go to and what stuff to take. The decision was made for us when we received a message from Mollie saying she was on Cromer beach. So that's where we headed with...well, everything! Chairs and books being the most essential but also swimming stuff and towel for me. Henry stayed at home! So we had 4 hours on the beach where I read a lot, swam and slept.

We packed up at around 5, and drove down to Sheringham to pick up fish and chips, then on to Weybourne beach where we had spent a nice evening one day last week. Settled at Weybourne where we met up with Henry, ate our fish and chips, and have spent the last couple of hours reading and swimming again. The boys had a go at fishing (that is Henry in the background) Enjoyable but no catches. They need a bit of practice.

The temperature has been perfect, and it has been so nice, like a holiday. I've read more of my book today than I did in the last week!

Fishing rod is being packed away now, and my phone battery is fading. I've changed out of my wet things, but it is still peaceful just sitting as the sun dips down and silhouettes the others fishing on the beach.

Hope we get more sunny days this summer!

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