Life at 50mm

By Stevie378

Fossils in a Walsall Wall . . . .

Today was the first day of the 2013 Formula One season. The first race takes place in Melbourne, meaning us petrolheads in the UK have to get out of bed at stupid O'Clock to watch live. This year was made worse by heavy rain at the circuit delaying qualifying until midnight UK time, which meant a late night followed by an early get-up. Not good.
After the race ended I took a walk to the Arboretum in Walsall, mainly to keep myself awake until lunchtime. Walking through the Butts area of the town I noticed an old wall constructed from chunks of limestone. Before it was flooded and turned into parkland the Arboretum was a limestone quarry, which is probably where the raw materials for the wall originated.
A closer inspection of the rock revealed lots of fossils of small prehistoric sea creatures - its amazing to think that this part of the country was once the bed of a tropical sea . . . . .

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