Snapping Aboot

By rxpell

Paisley Pattern

St. Mirren 3 Heart of Midlothian 2 :)

By this stage, the Hearts fans (who vastly outnumbered the Buddies) are heading home and St. Mirren have been presented with the Scottish League Cup Trophy 2012/13 by none other than the President of Malawi (visiting Scotland for a commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of David Livingstone).

Exciting game of football, St. Mirren survived lots of Hearts dominance in the first half after the Jambos took the lead, but then Esmaël Gonçalves, Stephen Thompson and Connor Newton scored goals for the Buddies that will make them legends in Paisley. Hearts pulled a goal back late on, but it was not to be their day.

It was almost 26 years ago that St. Mirren last won a National Cup (Scottish Cup, 1987 - I was there then too), so they don't come around very often. The trophy was paraded through Paisley tonight in an open topped bus and the streets were packed with fans who turned the Black & White Town well black & white and there will be many celebrating all night and beyond.

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