Waltzing Matilda

Sadly, I'm not turning into Hurly-Burly.
First, there's a matter of talent, and secondly I just don't have the raw material.
Australia is pretty affluent, though of course there are many, including many of the indigenous population, who would not see it that way.
Anyway, it's not the norm where I live to see people in straitened circumstances.

So when I ran into this chap in Katoomba this morning, he stood out.
He was carrying his life in various hessian bundles, and a swag, and had such an interesting face.
I took two shots and the other shows all his goods and chattels, but this is the better one.
He was very softly spoken and polite and readily agreed to being photographed.
Of course, I didn't have the dslr with me, but the Fuji did an ok job.

For the record, signed contract for renos, which start next week.

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