
While my daughter was off trying brownies (a big hit!) L and I got to try out a new game called Haikubes. You throw 2 dice to get the theme, and then the other 57 to get some words to use to explore the theme in haiku format*

I'd bought the game some time ago but it had only just made it home today, and I thought the timing would be perfect. L's Challenge Group is doing creative writing (which he finds too much of a challenge). He has decided to make poetry his chosen form but he's not too pleased with any of his efforts. He loves games (another favourite along these lines is Story Cubes), and this was certainly a way to inject some fun back into it.

Next mission is to try to get him to read some poetry with me.

* In this case, my theme was A Reflection on Romantic Love#

# My husband is off recording Hansard and will be very late home tonight.

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