Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

It's that white stuff again

Snow overnight, slushy this morning at home, but still quite a lot on the Military Road, plus loads of standing water as I made my way to Haltwhistle for the committee meeting.

Lots to discuss, but I felt we had the easier time compared to the group out checking part of a route for one of the harder walks.

Supermarket shop, how can 2 people and 2 cats eat so much? then home for exercises and rest and lots of catching up bits and pieces. Fancying a holiday in Romania in May but it's a secret!!

This image was taken looking south from the Military Road. The farm buildings have been converted into a house with teaching centre. The residents are polar explorers. Looks a bit bleak today and there was a white out in the distance. This panorama was made from 5 landscape images, but then cropped in the processing, plus the odd tweak.

Has to be seen enlarged.

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