Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Tragedy - The last BeeeeeGeeeee

“Reporting from Kyoto Ah’m Durshell Ofaman, at the field events. W’all what can I say, being dislocated an’ all. Today at precisely this morning the final BeeGee walked onto centeer feeld to a nownce the javlin final. Ah’ll hand over to my cofriend ah’m breakin’up……”

“Hi everybody this is Toots O’Hellovit, as that wimp just blubbered, Mr Gibb RIP, went to the wrong place at the wronnnngggg time. Background on this sad event is sketchy let me tell you what we know so far. This was supposed to be the quarter final of the South and West Africa regional area knockout leading to a the Southern hemi - hemiss, hemissfer, oh darn it, the bottom bit semis. The verhickle he was travelling in reminded a Masai man of home so much that he threw his ats a guy and followed it with several more, at which point Mr Gibb RIP was struck by severeal more javerlins from Bush Men and other inconseeekwenshull minoroties.”

“That is when it all kicked off the Masai led a massive jumping on the spot protest aided by their barely dressed lady friends, hooters and tooters!!!. Japanese Police were heavily outnumbered, their Akita dogs were outraged by the display of nudity and became Land Sharks, biting several wobbling appendages. From a distance it was amusing to watch yelping dogs and yelping Africans; all entrants were disqualified by the field officials, as none of their javerlins were of a standard length or weight. Mr Gibb would have regarded this a final TRAGEDY!!”

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