Views of my world

By rosamund


Here's the scarf I finished last night, it's only roughly pinned out as I can't find 2 of my boxes of pins so had to make do with the bare minimum. I'm really pleased with it and its the second project I've done in my homespun. I'm really enjoying the uniqueness of a homespun hand knit and have a plan for what will be next. I've still to sort through my skeins and decide which two to use and I'll need to buy the pattern but I've lusted after this hawk for a long time and saw one in the flesh of Saturday - I have to have it!

Carlos has had as nice a birthday as you can on a Monday when you go back to the office after a long illness and period of working from home. He's feeling his age but at 5 years my junior, there's not much sympathy round here!

I'm having an early night as I still felt a bit queasy today, hoping a good sleep will help sort me out!

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