Tiny Tuesday

Started the day with a trip down to S'bury's to collect my new glasses from the inhouse Specsavers. Have varifocals to master now. Then it was time to square away the weekend kit. I have the camera bodies and lenses out to air and make sure are dry after the rains of Sunday, plus emptying out the camera bag. All good fun. Home is a shambles! Is yours the same when you first get back from a trip?  Washing and shopping has been done.

And now time to catch up here on blip. Todays offering for Tiny Tuesday, is a bee on one of my cornflowers. I have also posted three back blips of the weekend, if you care to check them out :-)

Thank you for dropping by. I am way behind  on your entries, and hope to get around to seeing them, so please bear with me :-) x


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