An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Keeping a cool head!

Backblipped 27.07.21

David and Lola had another early walk to avoid the heat coming later in the day. 

It's a real stress keeping Lola cool in this heat as the silly girl loves to sunbathe!  If we take our eyes off her for two minutes, she'll be out in Lola Land, fully stretched, sunning herself! 

We bought her a paddling pool but will she step foot in it?  Not a chance.  She uses it like a giant water bowl!  But give her a puddle (the muddier the better!) or a stream or a lake and she's right in, head under.  Not a swimmer though.  Likes to keep her feet on the ground.  Bit like me!  :-))

Alan headed out and David was playing in a golf medal so Lola and I had the house to ourselves.  Feet up, sitting in the garden room with the doors wide open crocheting more squares for my ice cream blanket, and my beloved Kate (Bush) playing in the background.  Utter bliss.

David returned happy with his golf round.  Dinner then episodes 13 & 14 of Outlander.  Two episodes to go and we're at the end of Season 1.  Absolutely loving it!   I reckon we will be up to date just in time for Season 6 starting :-)

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