
By Transitoire

La Coloc'

So school begins today with a group of confused Russian children being herded in the sixième INTER's English class. Now they are here to visit France, and end up in a class taught solely in English...god knows what they thought! Well, whatever they did think; they couldn't tell us! Class was on adverbs and how they make stories more interesting...the problem being that learning about adverbs really is not that interesting at all, but at least they understand what they are now!

My second class of the day was with the troisième INTER, and to be completely honest...I did nothing but observe! However, the reason I was there was because I need to know their topics so I can start working on them with the students in their smaller lessons. Glad I did go today, as we spoke about Rosa Parks and the photograph chosen of her on the front cover of her city's newspaper on the day she died. Links were made between the chosen photograph and the painting of Whistler's Mother (also more formally known as Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1) and how they were similar and their differences. If I had not have been in the lesson, I would probably have come up with a different analysis, so I am glad I was actually there for it!

After a few hours gap I headed back for my final lesson, one on one with a quatrième INTER student, which went really well...and I really hope she feels she is improving as well! Feels strange that I don't have much time left here even though I really try not to think about it at the moment.

When my working day was finally finished I met up with Gaëtan, and due to a timely hailstorm we decided to pop in to Thomas' house. This "popping in" turned into tea, homemade (and really tasty) cake and me staying most of the evening with different people! Originally it was Gaëtan, Thomas, Pierre and I...then Becky and Claire turned up to see Thomas...then Thibaud arrived...then Gaëtan left...then Becky and Claire left...then Thomas and Pierre left...leaving Thibaud and I home alone spending our time discussing different English accents (with the obligatory mocking of mine!), doing crosswords, listening to music and chatting. Lovely end to an evening. Oh, and this is Gaëtan sitting in one of the awesomely comfortable 5 euro chairs (and this is not a typo, they were genuinely this price!) by the window...I loved how the light fell on his face, and also his relaxed unknowing pose.

Words I learnt today:-
- Never say someone is pas moche...this is a genuine insult in French, unlike the less harsh English of that fact someone is "not ugly"
- Grêlons - hailstones

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