
………..over the river Tweed, all three of them. 

An early night last night so I was up early this morning…I set off in the opposite direction to usual to find a blip before the rain started. This shot is taken from the Tweedmouth side of the river with Berwick to the right. I managed a nice circular walk of about fifty minutes but did get wet on the home run! The rest of the morning was spent sorting stuff out in the sitting room to make it a little cosier until I get work done and proper furniture installed. A quick trip to M&S for some food before an afternoon looking after the little one.

We managed a play in the park, walk along the promenade, saw lots of dolphins and had a nap in the garden before dinner. A surprise visit from eldest on his way home from work bearing flowers and a birthday new home card…they obviously don’t make fabulous Mum new home cards so he just changed it! 

Heavy rain and hail ensued for about fifteen minutes whilst Gary was here…so heavy it bounced all the seagull debris off the roof/gutters and pebble dashed the car, which then had to be washed! Took my evening stroll early as it looked like rain again but it appears to have bypassed us this time.

Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday.

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