
By emma818

Clases de Ingles

This week was the last English class that my school is teaching in town. My roommate has been teaching them all along and asked if I wanted to come help out for the last week, so my camera and I headed for the Casa Cultural.

At the start, three elementary school aged kids chattered in Spanish and sounded out "good morning, good afternoon, and good night" and tried to keep them straight. Afternoon is a hard word to say, but they got the rest down pretty well. We moved on to the days of the week and then colors. The kids were great: enthusiastic, eager to show us what they knew, and patient with our Spanish.

I was a bit hesitant to take out my camera for fear of causing too much distraction, and because it always makes me a bit uncomfortable to pull out my big, expensive looking camera in town. It always seems like the ultimate sign that I am from a different world, and that there are so many things in my life that are even beyond the dreams of most people here. At the end of class, the other girls from my school wanted a picture with the students, so I pulled out the camera. The kids LOVED looking at themselves in the camera after I took the pictures, and there was none of the "woah how much did that cost?" that I've encountered among adults. They were just excited to see themselves making funny faces.

I was really disappointed that I missed blipping yesterday, and am going to try to blip daily from here on out. In that light, I went out before English class and took some shots on campus, one of which I really liked and would have used as a blip: rejected blip

I'm leaving for a camping trip tomorrow, so I'll backblip the week when I get back on Saturday!

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