What a mess!

Our sun terrace is an absolute mess. We've hardly been out there over the winter but Ann has friends coming to stay just before Easter and she's hoping the weather will be good. She has a week to transform the sun terrace into a neat, pretty, clean, wine drinking haven!

She's made a list of things to do:

* Clean the patio tiles with bleach to get all the green gunge off them.
* Clean the decking and repaint. Collie dogs to watch the repainting process
from indoors.
* Clean the walls and repaint. Collie dogs to watch the repainting process from
* Weed all the pots, dispose of the dead plants, buy and repot new plants.
* Sand down all the painted pots, get rid of all the flaking paint and repaint them. Apparently this process will take place on a table so that collie dogs don't go near any of the paint.
* Clean all the sun terrace furniture.
* Dispose of the fairy lights that don't work and buy some new solar powered
outdoor lights.
* Hope for good weather 'cos nothing will get done if it's cold, wet, windy, damp,

Somehow, I think Ann's friends will be doing their 'wine drinking' elsewhere!!!!!?

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