Green Heron

Small, dark heron with blue-green back, rusty-coloured neck and dark cap.  Usually in a crouched position, partly concealed in vegetation, waiting patiently for prey.  In flight, it looks like an awkward crow with broad wings, neck tucked in, and legs extending just beyond the tail.  Often vocal when flushed; gives a sharp “skeiw!”

Yes, I took these photos on Saturday but had to share as this is the first time I have seen a green heron that I know of. 

We had more crazy thunderstorms last night with a front that came through so have had to take migraine meds this morning.   The week ahead is going to be messy with lots of rain. Ugh! 

I’ve got a few tasks to take care of today but will have some craft time too.
Take care of yourself and each other xx

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