More Roses

I met my daughter back in the park this afternoon and here is a picture it the yellow roses with a backdrop of the street behind the Park. The roses had a beautiful smell.

My daughter’s next door neighbour found a very thin cat in the street and my daughter rang the Mayhew to ask if they would take it in but they said they were full. In the end her neighbour has taken it home and fed and watered it where it promptly fell asleep. My daughter was off to the shop to get more suitable food for it. Unfortunately the neighbour has three cats already so my daughter said if her cats don’t like it she will take it and feed it at her place to see if it recovers. Then they can decide what to do with it. Apparently it’s bone thin so they didn’t like to touch it. It looks like it has a bad foot too. They found a blanket and feeding dish near where it was found. Looks like it was dumped. See extra pictures.

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