Thursday's photograph (no painting today)

I was out in the garden at dawn communing with my little Robin. He is literally a fluffball with the tiniest of tails. He looks no bigger than a wren, which is why I thought initially he was a wren hidden in the bushes where I could see him. But then I saw his fluffy red breast. So, I concluded he must be a young Robin in his first moult. But I still think he looks like a wren with a fluffy red breast.

He kept teasing me, flying within a hands length of my face as he flew from the bushes at one side of the path to the other. The sparrows do this to me too as I stand in the garden. The sparrows are squabbling this morning. The longtailedtit is feeding off the suet balls, however one slight movement from me and the longtailedtits vanish. 

So a dawn photo sans Robin....he had flown to the bush barely a metre away from me.

Take care, coffee and the ice maker are calling me...

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