A Cluster Of Nuts

I was awake and up by 3 a.m today - and out just after 7 a.m. for my walk- managing just over 3 miles - still making slow progress on my virtual walk!

I only took my little Lumix camera out with me - but stupidly forgot to pick up a pair of glasses - so it was a bit of point and hope today! There are loads of these cobnuts in the hedgerows - with cluster sizes varying from 2 to about 6 (that I saw).

Mrs madwill has found an ideal job for me to keep me occupied during my convalescence….deconstructing all of our technical Lego models… actually the term I would use is “reverse constructing” using the original instruction books…as she wants all the bits back in the original numbered bags….anyone know of a good divorce lawyer?

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