Jeff Greene's Daily Photo

By JeffGreene

Olive in the Office

Sometimes it's hard for me to get anything done with all the micro-managing I get from Olive...

This was an exercise to meet the exposure challenge of photographing a black cat while still maintaining proper exposure for the ambient light and the computer screens.

When using flash you are effectively controlling two different exposures; the existing ambient light and light created by the flash . In this case I bounced the flash off the ceiling and used the Canon Speedlite 600 EX-RT's built-in catchlight panel to light Olive at f/8 and ISO 2000. I then adjusted the shutter speed to 1/400 sec (flash set to High-Speed Sync) to balance the ambient light.

Olive was fascinated by all of this and remained quietly seated while I shot away for about 5 minutes...

Good kitty...

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