Hello Lovely Blippers,

You know how much we love doing Silly Saturday and today was no exception as it is the first one in the month, which is always dedicated to Admirer, who sadly died last year.  Mrs. HCB decided that this would be a good one to introduce herself for the Blip Community Introduce Yourself Challenge, so she photobombed us!

The idea of this is to post a self portrait - or a selfie, which is the modern way of saying it - to tell other Blippers something they don’t know about the Blipper who is introducing themselves.  Are you still with me?

Well, you know from Mrs. HCB’s Blip a couple of days ago that she and her lovely husband, Mr. HCB, are “plonkers” - and having seen this today, I am sure you will agree that she is also quite bonkers!  

I’m sure you know that they both like having fun - and of course, many Silly Saturdays will confirm that.  Mr. and Mrs. HCB love to laugh and joke and sometimes we think their neighbours wonder who they live next door to - with all the daft things they get up to.  We feature in most of her Silly Saturday Blips and we really do enjoy having adventures with the HCBs.  I don’t know where she gets her ideas from - but she has a great imagination. 

Today, Mrs. HCB decided to wear her pink robe - which incidentally, has a life of its own here on Blip - together with her shower cap, glasses, bow, pink gloves - you name it, she wanted to wear it (I have it on good authority that the underwear beneath the pink robe was also pink) and of course, it HAD to be a selfie.  If you could have seen all she got up to to get us together and then herself, you would have done exactly the same as Mr. HCB - who walked out into the garden shaking his head, and saying “What are you like?”

However, although Mrs. HCB is totally bonkers, she is also very kind and both she and Mr. HCB have hosted many Blipmeets at their home and if anyone wants to visit, please let her know.  We also know that she makes delicious soups with home made bread and lovely salads - and she doesn’t charge for those - so if you fancy a trip to Wiltshire, she would be pleased to hear from you.  Mr. HCB is happy to do a guided tour of his lovely garden for Blip friends and if you are very fortunate, you may even go home with some of his carnations or chrysanthemums or at this time of the year, maybe a cucumber, a few tomatoes, beans or perhaps a courgette - all free of charge! 

Some of you may know that Mrs. HCB writes poems and she used to be on the local radio reading out some of her poems, but sadly the pandemic stopped that, although she has recorded lots of poems and they are still used from time to time.

You may be wondering why they are called Mr. and Mrs. HCB - well it’s short for Honeycombebeach, which is where Mrs. HCB first started blipping - their son and daughter-in-law used to have a lovely apartment at Boscombe on the south coast at a place called Honeycombe Beach, and when she was thinking of a name, that was what she decided on.  

We know Mrs. HCB loves Blipping every day and has never missed a day in over 8½ years (3141 entries) and is very “hot” on the ethos of Blip that the shot MUST be taken ON the day - which she has always done - she even blipped when they were away for a month for their Golden Wedding in Vietnam, Hong Kong and Singapore. If you look at her biog page, you will be able to see the links to all the photographs she took - well not quite all of them, there were well over 4,000 - but a good selection of them anyway.

So that tells you something about Mrs. HCB - she always says it’s a good job they are both retired and that she couldn’t do all she does without the help of Mr. HCB - he of the famous Tilley hat - and of course, they are grateful for all the work done by the Blip Central Team that keeps this wonderful site up and running.

Sending love to you all and remembering Admirer on this August Silly Saturday,

JH Ted, Tiny, Snowy, Penny Penguin and Hoggy xxxxx

P.S.  You might like to know that Mrs. HCB recently used Blip for a 100 Abstracts Challenge, which has raised almost £900 for the Mamie Martin Fund, which helps impoverished girls in North Malawi to obtain a good secondary school education - and she has asked us to thank everyone who sponsored her and helped raise this MAGNIFICENT sum.

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