
By JeanSnaps


Saturday is always busy with laundry and other chores but, once again I swore I wasn't going to photograph in the garden.  Spent quite some time there with my little saw cutting down the rest of the cotoneaster. Well, not quite all.  There's still the very thick main trunk which is close to the wall and grows parallel to the ground.  It will have to wait until I take the new prunings to the recycling and clear the space around it. Pruned the rose Maigold and did some weeding so my poor knees were protesting but had held up remarkably well so I rewarded them with a heat pad and a rest on the sofa. By then it was into the afternoon so naturally I nipped into the garden with the camera.  There was a peacock butterfly on the few bits of buddleia that have deigned to blossom so far but high up with no clear view.  A skittish white came and went but never settled.  Saw Emma and Courtney.  Emma was telling me she is starting to work part time next week and Courtney is going to spend longer in nursery.  I think they are both excited  and a little bit nervous.  Went on photographing bees and hoverflies for a while  then  the rain came on.  So no going off to photograph yet again.  However I enjoyed sitting up beside the buddleia on my garden stool.  It's a fairly quiet secluded spot  and the idea of a mini arbour crossed my mind.   No sooner thought of than I was online and, much to my surprise, found someone on Etsy who makes just what I had in mind. It's a one person arbour and the measurements  look as if it would fit. I'll have to check and have a think.  These gardens are windy in the winter and a mini arbour could take to the skies.

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