Across the Sound

A slow start to the day in Tobermory, with the usual provisioning, especially of myself and being an Headingborough person I had a scohn and jem at the gallery. It’s what one does in Tobes. It was a fine morning but that wind looked fresh looking out across the sound. And soon I found out how very fresh it was. Still, I was well reefed down and surged along comfortably enough. Exhilarating, even. Until nearly at Salen when it started lashing and horrendous gusts hit me on the rear quarter. Sails away.
And then the joy of picking up the mooring buoy as it blew as hard as it could. That’s not easy, but at the third attempt, success! I yelped aloud.
After that I hunkered down below while outside the wind blew its utmost. There’s nothing out there anyway.

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