Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

If it Wasnt for Friends

Lovely belated birthday gift

I am so loved. I have needed my friends so much today

Had a day from hell today .MH taken a massive dip . Spent six 8 am trying to get GP appt and some private therapy. exhausted and overwhelmed.

I do have an assessment for EMDR Tuesday but thats a triage which will then necessitate a wait for therapy .

Gp tells me to wait for therapy, even private therapists have long wait lists and safety netting advice is to call GP if in crisis. Crisis line tell you to call GP or wait for therapy

and so the merry-go-round continues

Friends L and M came round to help with practical stuff as house is in chaos. They are cooking me tea later at theirs and letting me shower there as my boiler had broken . I need their hands to hold me up . and it is much appreciated

One hour at a time Rach , one hour .

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