A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

No Accounting for Taste


Another day 'holiday' although this time the focus was clearing up the Meeting's accounts. That said, the morning comprised a few remnant DIY jobs, and transporting S to the station to travel to Wales for a stint volunteering at a wildlife centre.

We have, or rather had, a large mirror in the hallway. This had got cracked some months ago but we asked a glazier to call* and quote for replacing it (it's a big mirror).

After they'd been we decided to take the broken one down and paint the surround. Somewhat to our surprise we found this underneath!

A surprise because we'd put the mirror up in the first place, and had only remembered the purple paint the walls had been painted with. We concluded that there must have been a radiator here, which we moved so many years ago we'd forgotten.

Ploughed though the accounts - broken the back of the work which is good, as the auditors are getting restless.

(* Yes, I know it's the wrong day for glaziers)

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