From above

A quick visit to the recreational lake 't Nije Hemelriek near Gasselte this evening resulted in todays drone blip. A view from above, showing the beautiful blue water and the trees alongside the lake.

I went with Richard to Drenthe to capture a dolmen (hunebed) in the setting sun. Richard knew a good spot.
When we arrived, he said he was mistaken and had had another dolmen in mind. No problem, still lots of time and lots dolmen around here (Borger area). The right one was located very soon.
Well, not exactly. Not the right one. Again! Richard became more and more confused and dived into google maps again. Ha! This must be the one! He was 100% sure this time. New route and within 3 kilometers we arrived at another dolmen.

Hmm.. this one was hidden under trees, no light at all. And children playing around it, but above all: This wasn't the right one either!
"Richard are you ok? You're sure your dolmen is still in Drenthe after all??"

We tried another dolmen, and yes...this was the one! At least he said so. Party time!
Near Bronneger this one.

The location indeed was perfect. The sun just came underneath the trees, casting beautiful sunrays over the stones. But.... another photographer was already taking our shots. His tripod was exactly were we would set them. Aaahhh!!! 

Instead of chasing this man away (the man had a huge dog with him), I suggested to go to the lake 't Nije Hemelriek and take our drones up instead. Richard agreed. We were fed up with the dolmen.

Just after the sun set behind the horizon we buzzed into the air. Because the light wasn't too great, I chose a vertically downward composition.

When our drones began to gave warnings about too weak ambient light we soon landed safely on the landing pad.

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