Meow - or moon?

I've no idea what this says but despite the pretty grim surroundings the paint kind of sparkled on the wall which cheered me up a bit on this post-Budget morning.

Another thing that made me smile was the very stylish woman who (I kid you not) waved at me to stop as I was cycling along as she wanted a) to ask where I'd got my red beret from and b) to tell me how much it suited me and how cheery I looked cycling along on my bike with the flowery basket.

As one of my old teachers used to say: 'Ladies! Remember that presentation is half the battle!'

Anyway, back to the post-Budget blues: one of the several things that pisses me off about the Budget - and I know this is totally selfish - is that one of those 'check out how the Budget will affect you!' things (published by the Guardian no less) offers a pretty comprehensive set of scenarios.

Except it doesn't offer the scenario where you have a married couple of working age, no children, who are not receiving benefits and whose total household income is less than £25k. I guess it's seen as incomprehensible how that can possibly be. Well, it can, and it is. And our combined household income is well below £25k. Feels great knowing that we don't exist in the eyes of some people.

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