
By MarkHyson


At last!!

Except for a couple of bits, a snag list if you like to sort out tomorrow. Sorry about the montage, I haven't worked out how to do one in Lightroom and had to use MS Publisher!

Strange day today, I can't explain why...
I went for a routine appointment at the doctors this morning, and the feedback was fantastic... I'm a model patient! So all's good there.
Bit of an emotional roller coaster otherwise, I can't put it into words, but hopefully it will become clearer 'one day'.

Speaking of which... 'one day' this was my ear worm for most of today 'One Day Like This'.

But Dave, who I'm doing the bathroom for was home today and he loves his music, he owns literally thousands of CDs and most of them are loaded onto his Brennan digital music player. It was set to play randomly today, the most bizarre song came on, Dave told me it was Jaques Brel... I said it sounds like Scot Walker's hit 'Jackie'... whereupon Dave gave me a musical history lesson. Jaques Brel wrote 'Jackie', and several more which Scott Walker covered! HERE's 'JACKIE' the lyrics are most strange... but this turned into my late afternoon earworm!

Right, whose bathroom is next? WeeL?

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