Escher's Yorkshire Temple

If anyone ever asks you to do a triathlon , make sure you do that putting your fingers in your ear thing and say " la la la , I can't hear you " .

A tough training session today with my friend's husband who has done the Skipton triathlon in about 2/3 of the time I am expecting . He took me out on the bike route today and it was tough . I think I only moaned once and only stopped once but what I learnt is that when you are cycling with someone who is tough at training is that apparently it is not ok to stop and say
"Wow look at that landscape it would make a great blip" . You have to actually train continuously without such frivolity ...

So having not been able to blip any of the views that I have seen today you will have to trust me that the views were spectacular with the gorgeous contrasts of green fields and blue skies .

As soon as we had finished, and after the paramedics had brought me back from the dead with a slap and a Mars Bar , the grey clouds and sleet descended so no blips there.

After some gratuitous recovery time of hot water bottles , Green Wing on Netflix and some soup , I had a quick wander through Saltaire before the school run.

Here is one of the most stunning buildings in the village

Saltaire is such a fine place .


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