Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Today's blip is Henry pointing out makka pakka to Neil - little tub of breadsticks in hand as usual. I picked him up from nursery and he was signing "biscuits please" repeatedly all the way home, then our biscuits must have been too boring because they were rejected in favour of breadsticks.

At nursery Henry pointed out his painting on the wall - because he only napped for 15 min yesterday they had to find something for him to do while the other children were asleep so they let him paint 6 pieces of a3 paper which are now up on the wall and Henry is very proud of them!

Work is still horrible. 10 days to go. I now have the added stress of being behind in my assessments - and the fact that it is so busy means noone is free to do the assessments. We don't get any training as it is, it's a purely service job and I can honestly say the only thing I've learnt is that I never want to be a patient there.

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