Views of my world

By rosamund


I was late home from work tonight so didn't make I to pottery. That gave me more time to work n my knitting and I managed a few more stripes on my daybreak shawl. I love the way the two yarns are working together as the different colours of the Noro are emerging in the stripes.

The cold weather has set off Noah's cough, he was off school today as he hadn't slept well but I've sent him to bed with feet covered in vaporub and a warm pair of socks so we'll see if the trick works.

I'm feeling tired but motivated to do a sunrise in the morning, 6.16am. The forecast says overcast with a wind chill to minus 7 so ill need to pick my location carefully! The sky is clear just now though so maybe I might be luckier than in recent weeks. Looking forward to a quiet weekend at home with Carlos and the kids, plenty of knitting, relaxation and sleep are the order of the day.

I'd better get to bed if I've to be up at 5.30am, wish me luck!

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