Unexpected gift .....

..... in baggage area.

An overnight trip to Edinburgh for Book Group.

It was being hosted by Arclight but Laura Muir & I were staying at HazelH where we were joined beforehand by MH ( hope you are keeping up).

MH excels at charity shop purchases and spotted a Sylvac rabbit which she bought for me to add to my collection - which is very much appreciated. 

I already have all the blue and green ones and had been swithering about starting a beige collection (having one alreadry). Our eleven year weekend guest pointed out I had space on shelves for more and so with the gift of another the swithering is over.

We were joined at Book Group by Rigdeback 13 and EH and had a most enjoyable time. Arclight provided a feast and the conversation (and wine) flowed.

The book was Lean Stand Fall by Jon McGregor which most of us enjoyed. 

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