The Giant's Causeway

A quick trip to the Giant's Causeway this morning, hoping for a little time there before the crowds arrived.  This we more or less managed.  As on my previous visit here, I found myself engrossed in the rocky patterns: both the big dramatic shapes, and the  gentle surface hollows caused by the polishing effect of thousands of visiting feet over time. One of the extras shows some of the visitors... despite appearances, the man in red was not about to jump :-)

It's been a stunning summer day: almost windless, with warm - almost hot! - sunshine. Bliss.

The extra shows Fair Head - aka Benmore; a dramatic cliff visible from the road on the way to the Causeway.

We have Richard's sister, nephew and wife coming over to eat with us this evening. So it's a hasty blip, while we get food ready and tidy up a bit...

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