
This Long-tailed Skipper Urbanus proteus , was imploring me (ok not really) to take his photo. First I used my 40-150mm lens figuring he would fly off if I got too close. He didn't budge so I move closer and closer and then went inside to get my 60mm macro. He was very patient with me, up in his face as I was, and didn't leave until we were done with our 'photo shoot'. 
Long-tailed Skippers are a type of 'spread-winged' butterfly and are found throughout tropical and subtropical South America, south to Argentina and north into the southern part of the U.S. They aren't able to live in areas with prolonged frost so they do well here in North Central Florida. 
I realize that you can't see his long tail in this shot, so you'll just have to take my word for it! ;)

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