"What's in there?"

We had a picnic today on the patch of grass at the back of Liz's house.  A number of other people had the same idea.  Some were  more interested in the contents of the summer house. The weather was dry, but rather colder than we had anticipated.

Buckingham Palace Gardens remain open to the public for another 3 weeks.

After visiting the gardens, we wandered down towards the river, passing a small number of Extinction Rebellion protestors, but missing the main protest which, I believe, centred today around the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.  We just enjoyed a pot of tea and some cake on the South Bank before heading back home.

It was such a pleasure to be able to get out for the day, enjoy visiting somewhere new, people watching, and relaxing - something I've not been able to do during the six weeks we had workmen in replacing the kitchen.

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