You know you're getting old

when you get soaps for your birthday, along with a bus pass application form. Soaps are obviously "bang on trend" as I gave soaps & socks to 2 friends only last week. :-D I had lots of lovely cards, a beautiful bunch liies & more. Clickety click is my lucky number, could be lucky year, who knows.
Hubby & I went to Tesco's to do a bit of a shop, it was chocka, they were using their traffic light system.
After lunch I did 3 hours gardening for G & J. Today George & I discussed collective nouns, the diameter of the Big Ben clock face, & the most popular word of 2021..... The "F" word, apparently.
Most of his info courtesy of Alexa..
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for continuing to host Flower Friday.

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