
I'm not going to make my blip diary an homage to corvids, I swear, but it is Silly Saturday and the crows with Cheetos were the silliest thing going on today. I didn't mean to overexpose, but it did make it possible to see the crow. 

I got to watch a very happy crow (possibly this one) walk around with her Cheeto. I saw her put it down. I saw another crow take it and then watched her do a dramatic flip out. I was laughing - what did you expect to happen when you put your Cheeto down? 

You've seen the electric scooters? I saw/smelled/heard a gas scooter. It was gone before I realized it would have been a cool thing to photograph. 

In the extras is the picture the author and neighbor selected. :-)

Also, because heaven forfend I break my flower streak, is a picture of light on little flowers. I thought it looked like little stars. 

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