
By Delightinnature

And it's still snowing!

This is the view from my bedroom window this morning. It has been snowing steadily since the early hours of Friday morning and though some of it had cleared during the day yesterday, overnight it must have come down even harder.

Okay, I know I said that I wanted to see proper snow when I moved to the north and Nigel Stowe did warn me to be careful what I wished for but what I meant was I wanted proper snow in the winter not late Match!

Anyway, back to the photo. Behind the houses you can see New Mill which is in Saltaire as well as a part of Salt's Mill which is where a permanent David Hockney exhibition is housed as well as other lovely retail outlets and a fabulous cafe. Saltaire is a World Heritage Site so of some importance. What you can't see is the canal and river that I cross to get there and the lovely Robert's Park.

I still consider myself very lucky to be living here in such a beautiful and interesting place.

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